The American Council on Education Women’s Network (ACE WN) Indiana is hosting a series of virtual “townhalls” two Wednesdays a month from September 2nd to November 4th at 12:00-1:30 pm. Each panel will feature three participants focusing on COVID-19 related topics. The panels will last approximately 90 minutes with each panelist speaking for about 10 minutes and then opening up for comments and Q&A. This panel is being co-sponsored with Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence, Purdue University.

The topics for this series are; Leadership during the pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities (September 2), Community and Belongingness at the time of COVID-19 (September 23), Networking/Collaborating in a Virtual Environment (October 14), Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Research Productivity during COVID-19 (October 28), and COVID and self-care: individual and collective care (November 4). Speakers for this series will include: Jay Akridge, Provost & Chief Diversity Officer, Purdue University; Carina Olaru, Director, Latino Cultural Center, Purdue University; Paaige K. Turner, Dean & Professor, College of Communication, Information, and Media, Ball State University; Marie S. Morris, Provost, Anderson University; Sharon Bowman, Chair and Professor, Department of Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology, and Counseling, Ball State University; and many more.
Please contact butlercenter@purdue.edu for questions or clarifications about this speaker series. Registration information can be found on the ACE WN Indiana website. For more information about ACE WN visit https://inacenetwork.org.
The ACE Women’s Network is a national system of networks within each state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia with the goal of advancing and supporting women in higher education. Each state network is led by a state chair who works with institutional representatives and at least one presidential sponsor to develop programs that identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support (IDEALS) women in higher education careers within that state. The state networks are linked to one another through their connection with ACE and the ACE Women’s Network Executive Council, a group of senior women executives from across the country who serve as both mentors to the state chairs and as advisers to ACE on the overall functioning of the ACE Women’s Network. State chairs also benefit from the mentorship and advice from college and university presidents and chancellors who have agreed to serve as presidential sponsors.