Preparing For The Return to Campus
Though much has changed and continues to change, here are a few things we know for sure as we plan and prioritize for the future:
1. Students want to be on-campus for at least some of their learning experiences which means reimaging campus spaces.
2. Faculty, staff and administrators have worked hard during the COVID crisis and many are burned out which means they will need additional support, resources and connection.
3. Things will not be like they were before COVID but Academic Leaders who plan and use their resources efficiently can create a new way of doing things that actually enhances the student, faculty, staff and administrator experiences.

APL can help you plan for meeting new requirements and new needs
APL nextED is a comprehensive academic operations hub where faculty, staff and administrators can connect and share information and resources, processes and workflows are automated, and information is centralized and transparent.
APL nextED can help, click the tabs below to learn how.
Reimagine your Campus Spaces
As you plan for new and evolving requirements around learning spaces, collaborative spaces, and faculty, staff and administrator offices you will need a tool to help you assign classroom, meeting and office spaces.
APL’s Building Management feature allows you to easily adjust room capacities, and assign classrooms and manage workspaces with the flexibility required as learning and workplaces continue to be fluid.
Additional Support, Resources and Connection
Offering support to your faculty, staff and administrators is more important than ever. One way to support them is by providing a centralized place where the information and resources they need are highly accessible and where they can connect and collaborate no matter where they are working.
With APL your whole team comes together in one platform to share and connect.
As class sizes change with shifting protocols, APL’s staffing module provides a tool for flexible management of faculty workload, course delivery, student-faculty ratios, course section enrollment capacity and all facets of staffing faculty to courses.
Teaching resources, training and programming of all types can be shared through the platform making it easy to provide the support your team needs even if some or all of them are working remotely.
Enhance the Faculty Experience
Sometimes the needs that emerge from a crisis are needs that have always existed and the crisis becomes the impetus for making positive change.
APL can help your academic team work together in a way that results in greater process efficiency, more data transparency, an increased sense of mission and purpose and significant cost savings.
Eliminate manual processes, redundant work, inefficient spreadsheets, expensive point solutions and break down silos by bringing your whole academic team together in APL’s comprehensive academic operations platform.
Learn more about APL nextED here.
The CRRSAA funds are supplemental funds granted to help institutions:
Defraying expenses associated with coronavirus (including lost revenue, reimbursement for expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with a transition to distance education, faculty and staff trainings, and payroll);
The American Council of Education has provided a summary outlining how CRRSAA funds can be spent according to the Department of Education’s website.
Let’s get to work.
We’re confident our platform will transform the student, faculty, staff and administrator experience at your institution.
Scroll down to schedule time with a member of our team and learn how APL nextED can help your institution.
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